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Work-based Learning Projects for the Classroom

Project: Creating Parametric Final Assemblies


Name of NGM Educator: John Hoyle, CADD Instructor, Cheney Technical High School


Name of Host Company: Baldwin Pergolas Furniture


Grade Level: 10th - 12th grades

Student Work Types:

  • Evaluate a final-product. This product should be an assembly of components. The assembly may be seperable or inseperable. Determine which features or components would vary to create different verions of the product. Discuss product variations, and which components would require modification to re-design. An example might be a flashlight. I will also use the Baldwin Pergola design sysem as a demonstration.
  • Have Max Baldwin give a seminar on his product design. Mr.Baldwin will cover Pergola parametric design and modeling. His unique product and methods will be discussed and demonstrated.
  • Students will construct parametric models of separate components. These will be driven by design tables and parameters will be created on a spreadsheet which will drive the models.
  • Students will create parametric sub and final assemblies. All design parameters will be driven via a spreadsheet.  All fits, mates will be automatically calculated using spreadsheet formula's. Changes in quantities (increases in bolts as bolt-pattern sizes increase) will also be created automatically via the spreadsheet data.

Task Abstract:

Create a Parametric Assembly model of a finished product.

Task Objectives: Evaluate a product which is a final assembly. Determine which components or features can create a family of parts. Create a spreadsheet to list the variations. Create all related

Variations of each component part. Model each component and the final assembly. Drive all variatons in the final assembly via spreadsheets.

Esssential Understandings/Questions: Fits. Tolerances. Determine when there are necessary changes in quantities of fasteners or fastening methods.

Task Description: Evaluate a product placing emphasis on each separate component part. Determine which components will change, and how they will change, in size, quantity, as the part is re-designed for other size specifications. Model each component using spreadsheet tables to drive sizes, placement of features. Model final assembly to allow automatic resizing, refitting, and re-numbering of items needed for a family of parts.


Resources Required: A highly skilled and talented instructor who can relate high level methods and techniques to the student level, and who can motivate students to focus and achieve complex subject matter. Updated computers capable of processing large amounts of data.


Prior Learning Required: Students must be familiar with CAD, parametric functions, Cartesian systems, fits, limits, tolerances, fastening methods.

Educator Comments:



The Regional Center for Next Generation Manufacturing is funded through a grant from the National Science Foundation Advanced Technology Education program. Copyright 2005. All rights reserved.